God is inviting us...
"to receive His sacrificial, boundless and unconditional love, and overflow it like a gigantic river into the ocean of humanity we meet."
Activity \ Events \ Happenings
Watch this Sunday's broadcast of our church service
Leading the service
Steve Thomson
Steve Thomson
Leading the worship
Andy James
Ralph Dunham
Leading the service
Leading the worship
Steve Thomson
Steve Thomson
Andy James
Ralph Dunham
The service will start at:
What's happening NOW?
Church is just another word for God's People
Our Church
We meet together regularly in large and small groups to pray, worship God, share communion, study the bible and encourage one another through the ups and downs of life. Communion is where we share bread and wine together as symbols of Jesus death to remember what He did for us, so we can thank Him.
We also commit ourselves to sharing the good news that everyone can have a relationship with God through Jesus. Everyone can receive forgiveness for the mistakes they have made and relief from the hurts they carry, and can have a life beyond this one, all through Jesus who gave His life to set us free.
Bridgnorth Baptist Church does not hold itself as an exclusive group but enjoys being part of the larger world church made up of everyone who calls Jesus Lord and Saviour in whichever part of the church or the world they belong
As a church we are concerned for other people around us and further afield and happily join with other Christians to contribute to helping those in trouble and supporting those in need
Please look in the ‘Events’ section below to find the latest news about services and events at Bridgnorth Baptist Church
The next big thing at our Church
What's On
Latest events for Bridgnorth Baptist Church
Faith Under 30
Whether you’ve been coming to church all your life or have never been. Whether you can make it every week or just when you’re back from Uni. Come and join us on Mondays at 7:30pm.
Shachah is an event that aims to incorporate a time of worship, prayer and the prophetic within an informal gathering.
Christmas Day Service
Please join us on this special occasion when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Together at Christmas
Come to a fantastic, free Christmas Dinner in a loving family atmosphere this Christmas Day. All are welcome, especially those who might be on their own or missing a family Christmas.
Our Community
Outreach Ministries
Our Family
Ministries within and for the Bridgnorth Baptist Church congregation
Small Groups
There are several small groups in the church; this is your opportunity to explore them to see which one might be suitable for you at this time in your walk with God.
Children & Young People
This section of the website is all about people of school age and below. I want children to enjoy belonging to our church family – for them to look forward to the times they will see each other